Ulster Savings Bank
Business Solutions
Running your own business is a lot of work. From early mornings and late nights in the office to Sundays catching up on it all, you devote much of your time to your work – and that’s okay! All of the greatest businesses once began as the seedlings of an endlessly dedicated individual, who probably needed help from time to time. Ulster Savings Bank is here for you. We offer our customers a broad range of solutions with a level of expertise and personal service that you won’t find anywhere else. Not to mention, we’re as local as they come, with the very best understanding of our community’s business infrastructure.
Business Profiles
Joe Charmello
Brad’s Barns, Kingston, NY
“I was looking for a way to get into the business,” says Joe Charmello. “Purely on a whim, I called up Brad and told him I might be a buyer for his business. We didn’t even know each other. Well, it turns out Brad was looking to retire. Six months later, I was moving my stuff in, and he was moving his stuff out.”
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